A 25Live How To and an Update

This is gonna be shorter than my usual post, this is a just a simple step by step guide on how I upload photos to 25Live, due to the website being somewhat cumbersome to use

  1. Use this link (https://25live.collegenet.com/manhattan/admin.html) to log into 25Live with admin credientials
  2. In order to add a photo into 25Live go to the image tab, name the image or diagram, determine if its an image or diagram , then click select to upload the image, after it is uploading click add image
  3. Click the locations tab and then click edit
  4. Search for the room you wanna add, click on the room you wanna edit. In the Layout section click edit, select classroom style. 
  5. In the new section click the select button to insert an AutoCAD diagram or a photo of the room. Select the folder where you uploaded the image (if it’s an image or diagram).
  6. Click Save Changes to save the uploads

Well that is pretty much it. As of now most of the CAD drawings are uploaded into 25Live, I just need to associate them with a room now. I have finished DLS, and some of Miguel, I say some because I could not access to rooms due to either repairmen fixing the classrooms or in use by the programs around Campus. The latter goes for Hayden. RLC is done, LEO I am starting to do in which I will get it done this week.
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