Blog #2

This week consisted of a lot of out of office traveling. For example this week I had to go to different rooms on campus and test the technology. I visited more of the specialty rooms such as the Smiddy room, Rodriguez room and the Financial Room in DLS. My job was to go to these rooms and determine if there was anything different in these rooms then a normal classroom and create a KBA for it. The financial room for instance features a pixie control unit that controls the TV’s in the back of the room. I am currently working on compiling all of this data and creating several KBA’s. The following week I will complete more KBA’s while learning about more specialty rooms. I have also tested out a new method to display and control a slideshow(power point) from Google slides to AirPlay. This simply gives the client more as well as useful options while in the classroom. Aside from that I have been keeping up with the KBA’s. Here is a list of a couple completed this week:

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