Week 3 Progess

For week 3, the goal was to start something with either Nagios or Dell KACE, whichever I would be told to be using. After having a meeting with Harris (Network Engineer) and Tom (System Administrator) it came to a conclusion that we would be going with Nagios, and my prime concern would be to to come up with Projector Monitoring. I won't have to be worrying about access points or anything else. Now the concern for now is that since Nagios is going to be the go to, there has to be a method to which it can be set up for projector use. After multiple attempts on finding something for projectors with Nagios, I basically gave up. Harris and Tom informed me to look into MIBS, which I didn't quite understand, but I started researching into them for Dell Projectors. I had also posted the question for projector monitoring on Nagios Forums, and waiting for a response.

After some research, there only seemed to be MIBs for Dell 5100MP Projectors. The version that was only found was for the MIB. After consulting Tom with it, he suggested maybe Dell has the same MIB for each model. Aside from this, I worked with two other interns on their project of running ethernet cables to the projectors so they would be able to be monitored through Nagios. The RLC building was done by the end of the week.
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