Weeks 1 & 2: General Contentment to Excitement

The first weeks of our internship have been filled with a hodgepodge of tutorials and meetings, finalizing much of the plans that were formed before the interns were introduced into the pool of employees. Harris has proven to be an excellent mentor; he clearly has a deep knowledge of the inner workings of not only the Manhattan College network but also the industry itself and has been giving us advice and sharing stories from his many years working in the field. I feel lucky, and not in the "I have a job that I can put on my resume so therefore I should feel lucky" kind of lucky, but I actually feel like I have landed (even if only temporarily) in a place that can educate me while also offering a hands on experience that could actually prove to be useful if I choose to enter the networking field.

On to the more technical portion of the post....I've been appointed as the general Project Manager for the upgrade and enhancement of the campus network and WIFI infrastructure. The project will include managing the preparation and installation of network switches and WIFI access points all across campus, focussing heavily on school dormitories.  The Infrastructure upgrades will provide faster access between campus locations, and the buildings targeted for WIFI enhancements include Jasper, Overlook, Horan, and Lee halls.  By the end of the project, faculty and students should have access to an accelerated, more reliable WIFI connection.
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