Here is what had occurred in week 1:
In order to go with Nagios on the Linux Server, we had to decide on which version of Linux to go with. After being advised by Full-Timers that Oracle Linux 7 would be the better chose, we had installed the specified version of Linux onto 2 PCs in the Linux Lab in RLC. The virtual machines that we will be using will also be running Oracle Linux 7.
In the beginning of Week 1, I can basically say that I was lost in what I was doing and had no idea what all this stuff that I was being exposed to was. Eventually after a bit of playing around and reading a couple of articles, I learned a little bit of how to use Linux without a GUI. GUI, is basically the graphical interface of the computer. Without it, it is just lines of coding.
I eventually started learning more about Linux as I used it, and also after registering for a free online course of EFX. I learned the basics of Linux, from how it started to how its being used in modern day.
After learning some basics, I was able to access my virtual machine that I was assigned to by the System Administrator, Tom. Once logging into the root account of my virtual machine, I could officially start the installation of Nagios on my virtual machine. There were moments when I was stuck on installation of Nagios, but it was for little errors. Installation steps of Nagios Core were from the following link:
Eventually Nagios Core 4.0.1 was installed on the OVM and the next steps for adding a projector was capable. The first projector that would be used would be a projector in RLC 102A because it already had a Ethernet cable running to it. However, to first use it a static I.P. would have to be set.
Conclusion for Week 1:
A lot of learning was done, and Nagios Core 4.0.1 was installed onto the Virtual Machine. On the side note, I had also done researching on a way to not use terminal to use the OVM, which would mean to give me a GUI for the virtual machine. Long story short, getting a GUI onto the OVM didn't work.
Week 2:
For week 2, I had hit a bump on the road and was confused on how to move forward. The problem was that Nagios was designed to monitor I.T. Infrastructure such as Windows machines, Servers, Switches, etc. but not projectors. There wasn't a forum or any direct instructions on how to configure Nagios to monitor projectors and give off information like bulb life and similar things. Instead of wasting more time, I just updated Nagios Core 4.0.1 to 4.0.8, and left it at that for the time being.
I started to look more into Dell KACE, since the I.T. Department just recently purchased it. With Dell KACE, the projector is able to be pinged even when turned off using the I.P. address. Once the projector is given a static I.P. address, it is able to be pinged, and also using that info, you can check lamp life, temperature, and lamp warning. All that information can be looked at just by typing in the I.P. address in a web browser. This was something that came with 1610HD and 1510X projectors by Dell. An email notification can be set up also. Here's a picture of how it looks:
The only problem that now remains is how to monitor access points using Dell KACE if possible.
Conclusion for Week 1 and 2:
The most recent edition of Nagios Core was set up onto a OVM on a Linux Server. However, another option that was found was Dell KACE, which may be able to monitor projectors and access points. There is also a way to monitor bulb life and temperature of the projector through a system that is already made by Dell. Overall, there seems to be two options, struggle through a bit with Nagios, or do some more research with Dell KACE and Dell's default monitoring system that comes with the projector. There is also one projector that is set up as the first "dummy" for this extensive project. More events/ info. will be given for the Week 3 blog post. So far, this is pretty decent progress that was made.
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