Week 1 & 2 2016: Vive la Revolution

     So this internship is nothing like the one last year. When making goals for the agenda, i always consult Stacey to see if she thinks their is a better means of getting the work done. I am given proper guidance and suggestions. It makes a huge difference and actually helps with his learning experience. Most of it is trial and error, and since I am Project Manager and responsible for getting everything done by a decent time, I am learning so much more this time around. It feels good to be able to call the shots and learn from my experiences. Although I am managing a small team of only two people, I think I will learn a lot about what it takes to manage a team. These first two weeks are me figuring out what resources we have, what resources we need, finding maps for each building, and setting time frames for each project. I will check in in a week and update with my experiences.
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